If you use RitMeister you can send the hours registered there to Fr3lancer.
Before you do this, you must first take 1 step in Fr3lancer.
- Set the ‘Feature from RitMeister’ for the project. li>
This ‘Feature from RitMeister’ must match the characteristic you used in RitMeister to register your hours.
Fr3lancer is now ready to receive hours from RitMeister.
The next steps you have to do in RitMeister.
- Go to ‘Overview / Excel’ in RitMeister and choose the overview of the hours li>
- Choose the hours of the right attribute li>
- Choose the week you want to send li>
- Choose ‘Set the hours in F3lancer’ li>
Fr3lancer is then opened and you can import the hours.