Help TVshows

In the first screen you will find a list of all your favorite TV shows. They are sorted alphabetically and classified by your review of the TV shows. The TV shows with the highest rating are at the top.

Goto to TvDb to add a TV show to your list. In this screen you can search for TV shows in the online database The result you can then add to your list.

After you have selected a TV show you can give your personal rating . From this screen you can go to a list of episodes. With each episode, you can keep track of an episode

  • yet to get (buy, rent, etc.)
    The episode will automatically appear in your watchlist.
  • have to look
    The episode will automatically appear in your watchlist.
  • already seen
    The episode disappears from your watch list.

It is also possible to do a global change for all the episodes of a season.

From our users we received a lot of feedback which we have used to improve our iTvSeries App.

The next update is now waiting to be revied by Apple. The price will of the iTvSeries will soon be increased.

In version 1.9, the TvShows can be moved between the various lists. You can use these list to share your passion for TvShows and send an email with a list of your favorite TvShows.

The watchlist is also changed in this version.

Episodes from the watchlist that have been aired are marked with a green badge. This badge is the number of days since the episode has been aired.

The episodes that have not been aired yet are marked with a red badge with the number of days until the first broadcast.

Updating the online TV database is now smarter. TvShows that are followed will automatically be added to your watchlist.